Universities Academic Pension Plan

The eligible academic and professional staff of Athabasca University, Banff Centre, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and University of Lethbridge participate in the Plan.

Retirement Planner

On your first visit to the Retirement Planner, please click Register Now after selecting the link below. You can prepare retirement estimates that use your actual data and you can access your annual member statement. For assistance, please call the UAPP Administration Centre at 1.866.709.2092 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Alberta time during business days.


Member Seminar

The Board of Trustees’ Office for the UAPP has prepared a resource to provide an outline of the plan. Included in the presentation is a brief high-level overview of the governance structure of the UAPP, detailed information on the plan provisions that most impact members, and a summary of the website and Retirement Planner.

about us

The Universities Academic Pension
Plan (UAPP)

The UAPP pays retirement, disability, spousal/survivor, and termination benefits to eligible members or their eligible survivors. Pension benefits are based on the highest 5 consecutive years’ earnings and are indexed at 60% of the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index (Alberta).
  • The Universities Academic Pension Plan (UAPP) is a jointly-trusteed, defined-benefit pension plan registered under the Employment Pension Plans Act of Alberta, and the Income Tax Act (Canada). The eligible academic and professional staff of Athabasca University, Banff Centre, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and University of Lethbridge participate in the Plan.
  • The Plan pays retirement, disability, spousal/survivor, and termination benefits to eligible members or their eligible survivors. Pension benefits are based on the highest 5 consecutive years’ earnings and are indexed at 60% of the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index (Alberta).
  • The UAPP is financed by employee and employer contributions and by investment earnings. The Alberta Government also makes contributions towards eliminating the unfunded liability for service before 1992. The Plan’s funds are invested in a diversified portfolio.

It is the mission of the Board to deliver on its mandate in a manner that is consistent with:

  • high quality services to the UAPP members and stakeholders,
  • prudent investment of the Fund,
  • seeking stable contribution rates within the funding requirements of the Employment Pension Plans Act,
  • best practices in pension plan governance and management, and
  • all applicable rules, laws and regulations.

In carrying out its mission, the Board is guided by the following values:

  • work in full partnership with Sponsors,
  • be member/stakeholder focused,
  • be open, accountable and responsible for its actions,
  • conduct UAPP business with trust, fairness and integrity,
  • adhere to the highest ethical standards,
  • value and treat its employees as a vital resource, and
  • strive to adopt best business practices.



Summary of recently posted documents as well as other information relevant to UAPP, including details on the Cost-of-Living Adjustments.


Links to useful forms for plan members and employers.


Links to a wide variety of information resources available in pdf format.


Links to our plan sponsors’ websites and other interesting information.



The Board of Trustees, as established under the Sponsorship and Trust Agreement, is responsible for administering the Plan and investing the Fund.
The UAPP is financed by employer and employee contributions, and by investment earnings. The Alberta Government also contributes towards eliminating the unfunded liability for service before 1992.

As of December 31, 2023, the UAPP had 8,179 active members, 2,819 deferred members, and 6,886 pensioners.

The UAPP Fund’s market value at the end of 2023 was $6,576 million.

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